Internet of Things and Data Analytics

Welcome to the Master Propio on IoT and Data Analytics. Lectures are starting the 19th October. We will be using Zoom and you can find the links in the schedule shown below.

Looking forward to meet you all!

Final evaluation

In order to obtain the Master Degree, the student needs to fulfill the following requirements:

  • An average numerical grade higher than 5 (considering the average grades of all subjects, except the Final Project).

  • A minimal grade of 4 for each subject (excluding the Final Project).

  • A maximum of 2 subjects graded below 5.

  • The grade for the Final Project needs to be higher than 5.

3rd term - 19 Apr. till 3 Jun.

All courses will be starting at 19:00h in China Standard Time

Hours (UTC+2) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Zoom links
13:00-14:55 EDGE EDGE EDGE Zoom link Meeting number: 885 4236 5522. Passcode: 641877
15:05-17:00 SEC SEC SEC Zoom link Meeting number: 892 8466 4167 Passcode: 477109

Final project

For detailed information about the final project, refer to this link


Professors and staff

Subject Professor Mail Other
IOTNA José Ignacio Gómez Director
MDM Rafael Caballero -
SID Iván García -
NP1 Christian Tenllado -
NP2 Francisco Igual -
AI Héctor García de Marina -
SEC Joaquín Recas -
SEC Guillermo Botella -
EDGE Carlos García -
EDGE Luis Piñuel -