Week1&2&3: Introduction & Setup JetsonNano



Assign 1

  • Image classification using the imagenet script with an input example images/strawberry_0.jpg

Assign 2

  • Test Pedestrian Detection example running the detectnet script with an input example data/images/peds_3.jpg
  • Download test video with the next command and test *detectnet with pedestrians as output
root@jetson-nano:/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin# wget https://nvidia.box.com/shared/static/veuuimq6pwvd62p9fresqhrrmfqz0e2f.mp4 -O images/pedestrians.mp4
root@jetson-nano:/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin# ./detectnet images/pedestrians.mp4 images/test/pedestrians.mp4

Assign 3

  • Create a Jupyter Notebook that
    1. Prints on the screen "Hello World" with the python command print. More info about how to use print could be found in the link
    2. Given to vectors x = [5, 10, -5, 6, 9] and y = [4, -7, -1, 0.5, 8] write a for-loop that compute the dot product of x and y