Week1: Introduction & Setup JetsonNano
- Most of this workshop is available in YouTube. Fell free to watch by yourself
System Installation
Get Stated
- Write Image to the microSD Card
- Setup and First Boot
Write Image to the microSD Card
- Download SD image from \url{https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/downloads}
- IMPORTANT: if you have Jetson-Nano 2GB please download Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit SD Card Image v4.6.1
- Burn the image in a SD Card depending on you own PC Operating System
Burning tool
- Flash OS image to SD card with balena
- Superuser rights are required
Setup and First Boot
- Connect the Jetson-Nano board to HDMI connector
- Insert the SD-Card previously burnt
- Power on your computer display and connect it
- Connect the USB keyboard and mouse
- It is mandatory to first boot
- Connect your Micro-USB power supply
- The developer kit will power on and boot automatically
First Boot
- Green LED will be lighted on
- When you boot the first time, the developer kit will take you through some initial setup, including:
- Review and accept NVIDIA Jetson software EULA
- Select system language, keyboard layout, and time zone
- Create username, password, and computer name (user: nano, passwd: nano_pass)
- Select APP partition size-it is recommended to use the max size suggested
Step 1
- Review and accept NVIDIA Jetson software EULA
Step 2
- Select system language, keyboard layout, and time zone
Step 3
- Create username, password, and computer name (user: nano, passwd: nano_pass)
Step 4
- Select APP partition size-it is recommended to use the max size suggested
Step 5
- Final system configuration
Updating the system
nano@jetson-nano~:$ sudo apt-get update
nano@jetson-nano~:$ sudo apt-get upgrade