General Information

This subject will introduce you to artificial intelligence techniques, mostly from a practical point of view.


Hector Garcia de Marina (


The final grade will consist of a number of quizzes during the the course, and a final project during the last two weeks of the course.

Software requirements

Ubuntu 20.04 & Python

Instructions to set up the required software


Work groups

The groups are the same as for NP1, please check them here


Day/Month Topic Deliverable Quizz
18/01 Introduction
19/01 Math recap for AI and NumPy, Jupyter excercises, Sample image, Jupyter classroom notes
25/01 Neural Networks from scratch
26/01 Neural Networks from scratch 2
08/02 Neural Networks with pyTorch Exercise on Neural Networks from Scratch Quizz on Neural Networks from scratch
09/02 Neural Network exercise with pyTorch
15/02 Neural Network regression with pyTorch
16/02 Support-vector machine
22/02 Support-vector machine assignment
23/02 Genetic algorithm Genetic algorithm slides Quizz on Support-vector machines
01/03 K-nearest neighbors, data.txt, targets.txt K-nearest neighbors slides
08/03 PID controller PID controller slides
15/03 Path following Path following slides Path following (sine trajectory)
22/03 Work on Final Project Final project exercises
23/03 Work on Final Project
29/03 Work on Final Project
30/03 Work on Final Project
05/03 Work on Final Project
06/03 Work on Final Project