Task management in FreeRTOS (ESP-IDF)
- Learn the task related API offered by ESP-IDF
- Create multi-tasked applications where tasks effectively cooperate to a common goal.
Matrix multiplication
Matrix multiplication is a key kernel in many applications (for example, in Neural Network training and inference). It is an example of a massively parallel computation, where all the elements of the output matrix (C in the image below) can be computed in parallel.
The most basic pseudo-code of the matrix multiplication is shown below:
for i = 0 to N
for j = 0 to M
C[i][j] = 0
for k=0 to K
C[i][j] += A[i][k]*B[k][j]
where loops i and j are fully parallel.
Assignment 1
Create a new project and write a function that will multiply two matrix (received as input arguments) and write the result in a third matrix (also provided as argument). You can choose N=8, M= 8, K =8 and uint32_t as element type. To make it easier to check the output, you can initialize B matrix as the identity matrix. Please send a message to the professor as soon as you finished
Simple parallelisation
In this exercise you will create two tasks. The first task will process the even rows of A (i=0,2,4,6...) and the second task will take care of the even rows.
The main task (the one executing app_main()) will simply create both task and then destroy itself.
Assignment 2
Create a new project and implement the simple parallelization. Check the result with your previous sequential version. Please send a message to the professor as soon as you finished
Work dispatching
In this last (optional) exercise, you will implement a different parallelisation strategy: a Controller task ) will write pairs in a queue (from 0 to N-1). A set of Worker tasks will read from that queue, obtain one pair and multiply row i of matrix A by column j of matrix B, and write the result as element [i,j] of matrix C.
The Controller task will insert all the pairs in the queue and then wait in a semaphore for the Worker tasks to complete.
Homework (Optional)
Create a new project and implement this alternative. Try creating a different number of Worker tasks (from 1 to 4, for example) and measure the execution time. You may useesp_timer_get_time()
to compute the total time.