Networks and Protocols 1

General information

This subject will cover the networking technologies used in IoT systems. Some specific goals if this subject are:

This subject is complemented by NP2, where the transport and application layer protocolos for IoT in the Internet are covered

Subject program and evaluation methodology

Program and evaluation


Christian Tenllado (

Paper work assignment

Here you can find description about this assignment

Final programming project (teams of 2 people)

Once ready you will find here the details on the final project for this course.

Work groups (for regular lab assignments)

Here you can find the current work groups


For all quizzes will you are requested to use your e-mail address as name. All of them can be accessed directly from this link.


Day/Month Topic Lab instructions Deliverable
19/01 Basic Concepts
20/01 Basic Concepts 2 and Wifi-1 Quiz 1
26/01 Wifi-1 Quiz 2
27/01 Wifi-2 Quiz 3
02/02 Week off (Chinese new year)
03/02 Week off (Chinese new year)
09/02 Lab 1. Introduction to ESP-IDF Lab 1. instructions Tasks 1.1-1.3
10/02 Lab 1. Introduction to ESP-IDF Lab 1. instructions Tasks 1.4-1.6
16/02 Lab 2. Wifi in ESP-IDF Lab 2. instructions Tasks 2.1-2.4
17/02 BLE-1 Quiz
23/02 Lab 3. Wifi mesh and provisioning Lab 3. instructions Tasks 3.1-3.2
24/02 Lab 3. Wifi mesh and provisioning Lab 3. instructions Tasks 3.3-3.4
02/03 BLE-2 and BLE-Mesh Quiz
03/03 Lab 4. Bluetooth Low Energy Lab 4. instructions Task 4.1
09/03 Lab 4. Bluetooth Low Energy Lab 4. instructions Task 4.2
10/03 Lab 4. Bluetooth Low Energy Lab 4. instructions Extra session
16/03 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN Quiz
17/03 Lab 5. Bluetooth Mesh Lab 5. instructions Task 5.1 and 5.2
23/03 Lab 6. 6LoWPAN, RPL Lab 6. instructions Task 6.1
24/03 LPWAN Quiz
30/03 Work on Final Project
31/03 Work on Final Project
06/04 Work on Final Project
07/04 Work on Final Project