Networks and Protocols (NP1 + NP2) Final Programming Project

As a last exercise for the two subjects (NP1 and NP2) you will work in teams of 2 people on a project that shows what you have learned from these topics. You will develop (program) a system to monitor the amount of people in a room, by detecting their smartphones, uploading the data to an external server for analysis and visualization. In the following sections we describe what should be covered for the two subjects.

Project submission and deadline

You should submit:

The deadline for submission is April 17th. We will admit delayed submissions with penalization on the grade up to the 24th of April.

Requirements for NP1

Your system should manage a sensor network, formed by your ESP32 nodes. We assume that you could have at least one node per room and that each room has a WiFi access point reachable. In this context:

Optional Parts for NP1

Optionally you can extend the project incorporating some extra features like the following (these are only ideas, you can also propose some others):

Requirements for NP2

The developed system will periodically publish the calculated data for the population of BLE devices in the room, sending it to an external server for further storage and analysis.

Specifically, the minimum requirements related with NP2 include:

Optional Parts for NP2

Optionally you can extend the project incorporating some extra features like the following (these are only ideas, you can also propose some others):

Teams for the project

Team Members
1 LIU Jinhua, HU Hao
2 Zhao Hu, Yan Zhao
3 HUANG Yujuan, DUAN Zhen
6 Junyan Guo,Haozhijun
7 jianchuang zhang,xionglan luo
9 Gonglu Zou,Hongbiao Cao
10 Jiali Gao,Jiayun Pan
11 Suizhi Liu, Wei Ren
12 Yang Chu, Wenyan Liao
13 Fengfeng Gu, Bin Zhang
14 Li tianfeng, Yi Zhang
15 Youran Tian, Jun Shou
16 Dongyang Xu,Xueqing Zhao
17 Yuanshuang Sha, Guanjie Xiao
18 Liao Yinghua, Qinghong Yu
19 Shuishi Zhou