Lab 3. WiFi. Advanced Concepts (WiFi Mesh, provisioning and low power mode)


This lab assignment is divided into three main parts, that address three advanced topics related to WiFi. The goals for each of these parts are the following:

Part 1. WiFi Mesh (ESP MESH)

The ESP-MESH stack is built on top of the WiFi driver (that is, it obviously makes use of the WiFi services), and in some cases also makes use of IP stack services (lwIP), as for example in the root node, which is the only node that has IP communication with an edge router . The following diagram shows the Mesh stack situation in ESP-IDF:

Like any other ESP-IDF component, ESP-MESH communicates with applications through its own events:

The type mesh_event_id_t defines all the possible events that may arise in the different phases of the life cycle of a network (for example, for a given node, connection or disconnection from its parent node, or from one of its child nodes). Event handlers for the ESP-MESH events are registered with the esp_event_handler_register(). Some typical events are for example, the connection of a parent node (MESH_EVENT_PARENT_CONNECTED) or of a child (MESH_EVENT_CHILD_CONNECTED), indicating, respectively, that a node can start emitting upward in the graph, or downward. Similarly, in a root node, the reception of the events IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP andIP_EVENT_STA_LOST_IP indicate that said root node may or may not send data to the external IP network.



The application can access the ESP-WIFI-MESH stack directly without having to go through the LwIP stack. The LwIP stack is only required by the root node to transmit/receive data to/from an external IP network. However, since every node can potentially become the root node (due to automatic root node selection), each node must still initialize the LwIP stack.

Each node is required to initialize LwIP by calling tcpip_adapter_init(). In order to prevent non-root node access to LwIP, the application should stop the following services after LwIP initialization:

The following code snippet demonstrates how to initialize LwIP for ESP-WIFI-MESH applications.

/*  tcpip initialization */
 * for mesh
 * stop DHCP server on softAP interface by default
 * stop DHCP client on station interface by default

ESP-WIFI-MESH requires a root node to be connected with a router. Therefore, in the event that a node becomes the root, the corresponding handler must start the DHCP client service and immediately obtain an IP address. Doing so will allow other nodes to begin transmitting/receiving packets to/from the external IP network. However, this step is unnecessary if static IP settings are used.

Writing an ESP-WIFI-MESH Application

The prerequisites for starting ESP-WIFI-MESH is to initialize LwIP and Wi-Fi, The following code snippet demonstrates the necessary prerequisite steps before ESP-WIFI-MESH itself can be initialized.

 * for mesh
 * stop DHCP server on softAP interface by default
 * stop DHCP client on station interface by default

/*  event initialization */

/*  Wi-Fi initialization */
wifi_init_config_t config = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();
/*  register IP events handler */
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_register(IP_EVENT, IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP, &ip_event_handler, NULL));

After initializing LwIP and Wi-Fi, the process of getting an ESP-WIFI-MESH network up and running can be summarized into the following three steps:

  1. Initialize Mesh
  2. Configuring an ESP-WIFI-MESH Network
  3. Start Mesh

1. Initialize Mesh

The following code snippet demonstrates how to initialize ESP-WIFI-MESH:

/*  mesh initialization */
/*  register mesh events handler */
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_register(MESH_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, &mesh_event_handler, NULL));

2. Configuring an ESP-WIFI-MESH Network

ESP-WIFI-MESH is configured via esp_mesh_set_config() which receives its arguments using the mesh_cfg_t structure. The structure contains the following parameters used to configure ESP-WIFI-MESH:

Parameter Description
Channel Range from 1 to 14
Mesh ID ID of ESP-WIFI-MESH Network, see mesh_addr_t
Router Router Configuration, see mesh_router_t
Mesh AP Mesh AP Configuration, see mesh_ap_cfg_t
Crypto Functions Crypto Functions for Mesh IE, see mesh_crypto_funcs_t

The following code snippet shows an example of how to configure ESP-WIFI-MESH:

/* Mesh ID */
static const uint8_t MESH_ID = { 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77 };
/* Enable the Mesh IE encryption by default */
mesh_cfg_t cfg = MESH_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();
/* mesh ID */
memcpy((uint8_t *) &cfg.mesh_id, MESH_ID, 6);
/* channel (must match the router's channel) */ = CONFIG_MESH_CHANNEL;
/* router */
cfg.router.ssid_len = strlen(CONFIG_MESH_ROUTER_SSID);
memcpy((uint8_t *) &cfg.router.ssid, CONFIG_MESH_ROUTER_SSID, cfg.router.ssid_len);
memcpy((uint8_t *) &cfg.router.password, CONFIG_MESH_ROUTER_PASSWD,
/* mesh softAP */
cfg.mesh_ap.max_connection = CONFIG_MESH_AP_CONNECTIONS;
memcpy((uint8_t *) &cfg.mesh_ap.password, CONFIG_MESH_AP_PASSWD,

3. Start Mesh

The following code snippet demonstrates how to start ESP-WIFI-MESH:

/* mesh start */

After starting ESP-WIFI-MESH, the application should check for ESP-WIFI-MESH events to determine when it has connected to the network. After connecting, the application can start transmitting and receiving packets over the ESP-WIFI-MESH network using esp_mesh_send() and esp_mesh_recv().

Task 3.1

The most convenient way to observe the behavior of a WiFi network Mesh is to deploy an infrastructure with a sufficient number of nodes belonging to to the same network. Unfortunately, this requires would require to have a large amount of nodes in the same closed space, and given the conditions of this curse it wont be possible.

In this lab experience, each of you will deploy a WiFi Mesh network with only two nodes, using the two ESP32 nodes that each student has. You will start by copying the example examples/mesh/internal_communication to another directory in your home folder. Then you can configure the project to:

  1. Connect to an access point generated with your own smartphone or the wifi router at your place (Router SSID and Router password).
  2. Configure the ESP-MESH network to use WPA2_PSK and select as password password.

At this time, you will not make any changes to the code in the example. Compile your code. Flash the two ESP nodes you have and monitor the output of both nodes in two different terminals (use the command line toolset here for convenience). If you have the possibility, try to physically arrange the nodes in a way that one has better connection with your smartphone/router than the other (play with distance or obstacles). Monitor the output of each node and annotate the following information:

  1. MAC addresses of the STA andSoftAP interfaces (you will see then in the first outgoing messages).
  2. Layer of the topology in which your node is located (you will observe it in [L: XX] format for sending and receiving data).
  3. If the root node has been chosen, also note this circumstance and the IP assigned by the router (see the response to the corresponding event).

Also, take note of the ID of the Mesh network that was used. Before collecting this information make sure that the topology has converged. Draw a graph of your small wifi mesh network.

Next, turn off the root node and wait for the network to converge again. Verify that the other node became the new root node.

Now reconnect the node you disconnected previously, and see how it reconnects to the mesh. Is it again the root node? Annotate it and discuss why you think it is or is not the root node again and if that is what you expected.

Deliver a report in pdf format in which you explain your observations in english.

Part 2. WiFi Provisioning

ESP-IDF provides a specific component that offers a WiFi provisioning service. This component provides APIs that control Wi-Fi provisioning service for receiving and configuring Wi-Fi credentials over SoftAP or BLE transport via secure Protocol Communication (protocomm) sessions. The set of wifi_prov_mgr_ APIs help in quickly implementing a provisioning service having necessary features with minimal amount of code and sufficient flexibility.

To complete this part of the lab assignment you will have to work with the example examples/provisioning/wifi-prov-mgr.

Initialization of the provisioning service

The wifi_prov_mgr_init() function must be called to configure and initialize the provisioning manager before any other wifi_prov_mgr_ API functions. Note that the manager relies on other components of IDF, namely NVS, TCP/IP, Event Loop and Wi-Fi (and optionally mDNS), hence these must be initialized beforehand. The manager can be de-initialized at any moment by making a call to wifi_prov_mgr_deinit().

An initialization example could be:

wifi_prov_mgr_config_t config = {
  .scheme = wifi_prov_scheme_ble,

ESP_ERR_CHECK( wifi_prov_mgr_init(config) );

The configuration structure wifi_prov_mgr_config_t has a few fields to specify the behavior desired of the manager. The scheme field is used to specify the provisioning scheme. Each scheme corresponds to one of the modes of transport supported by protocomm:

We refer you to WiFi Provisioning Initialization for additional information on the fields of the wifi_prov_mgr_config_t structure.

Check Provisioning State

Whether the device is provisioned or not can be checked at runtime by calling wifi_prov_mgr_is_provisioned(). This internally checks if the Wi-Fi credentials are stored in NVS.

Although there are different methods to delete the provisioning information stored in NVS, we will use the mechanism provided by to delete its content. To do this, we will execute: erase_flash

Start Provisioning Service

At the time of starting provisioning we need to specify a service name and the corresponding key. These translate to:

Also, since internally the manager uses protocomm, we have the option of choosing one of the security features provided by it :

See Provisioning for details about the security features.

The following code snippet shows an example of Provisioning Service initialization:

const char *service_name = "my_device";
const char *service_key  = "password";

wifi_prov_security_t security = WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_1;
const char *pop = "abcd1234";

ESP_ERR_CHECK( wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning(security, pop, service_name, service_key) );

The provisioning service will automatically finish only if it receives valid Wi-Fi AP credentials followed by a successful connection to the AP (IP obtained). Nevertheless, the provisioning service can be stopped at any moment by making a call to wifi_prov_mgr_stop_provisioning().

Waiting For Completion

Typically, the main application will wait for the provisioning to finish, then de-initialize the manager to free up resources and finally start executing its own logic.

There are two ways for making this possible:

// Start provisioning service
ESP_ERROR_CHECK( wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning(security, pop, service_name, service_key) );

// Wait for service to complete

// Finally de-initialize the manager

// From here, the usual application logic would starts
// ...
static void event_handler(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base,
                          int event_id, void* event_data)
    if (event_base == WIFI_PROV_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_PROV_END) {
        /* De-initialize manager once provisioning is finished */

Provisioning tools for mobile devices

There are applications prepared by Espressif to carry out the process provisioning over ESP32. These applications are available both for Android and IOS devices, for BLE and/or SoftAP transports:

Task 3.2

Provision your ESP32 devices using the credentials that correspond to your WiFi network (home wifi or smartphone) using the applications corresponding to your mobile device, for both BLE and SoftAP transports. Write down a small report in english (in pdf format) describing the process, including the screenshots corresponding to the ESP32 output that show that the provisioning was successful. Remember, before each repetition of the experiment, use the command erase_flash to remove provisioning information from previous sessions. Check the operation of the different security levels.

These applications work by means of a very simple communication with the unprovisioned ESP32, whose mechanisms depend on the transport being used. In the case of BLE, a GATT table is created with different characteristics used to write (send) data to the device. We will see what a GATT table is in next lab assignment. In the case of the softAP transport, a series of endpoints are created (HTTP URIs) that allow, in a simple way, to read and write the data that we want to communicate to the other end of the communication.

The following table summarizes the endpoints created by the standard versions of the provisioning protocol (they can be adapted to include additional information to exchange):

Endpoint (BLE + GATT Server) URI (SoftAP + HTTP)
Session establishment prov-session http://IP:80/prov-session
Network scanning available prov-scan http://IP:80/prov-scan
Provisioning configuration prov-config http://IP:80/prov-config
Protocol version proto-ver http://IP:80/proto-ver

The details of this type of provisioning protocol remain as additional exercise to the student, and go beyond the goals of the assignment. However, it would be advisable to have a mechanism that allows them to be observed, and determine, for example in the case of SoftAP, if the exchange of credentials is done as plain text (plaintext) or encrypted, which could pose serious security problems for the user of a device mobile, since the credentials of connection to the WiFi network would be exposed.

To analyze this security issue, we will use our laptop/pc as provisioning device. We have to connect the laptop/pc to the provisioning SSID of the ESP32 node and use a command line tool provided with the ESP-IDF toolset, called, which can be found in the directory tools/esp_prov.


Before using the program, you must install the respective dependencies using the commands (from the tools/esp_prov directory):

pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r requirements_linux_extra.txt

Its use is simple, and can be consulted by running python -h. Basically a provisioning session using softAP on a device with IP, without layer security (encryption) and providing the SSID and key SSID_EXAMPLE/KEY_EXAMPLE would result in:

python --transport softap --service_name "" --sec_ver 0 --ssid SSID_EXAMPLE --passphrase KEY_EXAMPLE

Task 3.3

Perform the provisioning process from the command line using the above indications. Use the wireshark program to analyze the provisioning traffic and find evidences of the clear delivery of the network credentials between the provisioner and the device (text mode, without encryption) and the use of the endpoints/URIs previously mentioned. Create a small report in english (in pdf format) describing the process and showing the evidences you found. Next, try with safe mode (option --sec_ver 1) and see how the keys exchanged are now encrypted. Add the corresponding comments to your report.

Part 3. WiFi Power States

Station mode

Currently, ESP32 Wi-Fi supports the Modem-sleep mode which refers to the legacy power-saving mode in the IEEE 802.11 protocol. Modem-sleep mode works in station-only mode and the station must connect to the AP first. If the Modem-sleep mode is enabled, the station node will switch between active and sleep state periodically. In sleep state, RF, PHY and BB are turned off in order to reduce power consumption. The connection with the AP is nevertheless kept alive.

Modem-sleep mode includes minimum and maximum power save modes. In minimum power save mode, the station wakes up for every beacon with DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message) so that it can receive all the broadcast data. However, it cannot save much more power if the DTIM interval is short, and this interval is established by the AP.

In maximum power save mode, station wakes up every listen interval to receive the AP beacon. The listen interval can be set longer than the AP DTIM interval, leading extra power savings at the risk of loosing some broadcast data, because station may be in sleep state during a DTIM beacon transmission. The listen interval is configured with the esp_wifi_set_config() function, which should be invoked before connecting to AP.

AP mode

Currently ESP32 AP doesn’t support all of the power saving features defined in the Wi-Fi specification. To be specific, in AP mode it only caches unicast data for the stations connect to it, but does not cache the multicast data. If stations connected to the ESP32 AP have enabled the power save mode, they may experience multicast packet loss.

In the future, all power save features will be supported on ESP32 AP.


The example examples/wifi/power_save uses a simple code to illustrate the configuration of a station in the Modem-sleep mode, and you can select between the minimum and maximum submodes. These submodes can be configured through the configuration menu. In addition, an option is offered to modify the listening time in the case of the maximum submode.

Task 3.4

Compile, flash, and run the sample code using all the three configurations available: no savings, minimum savings and maximum savings. In the case of maximum savings, vary the listening time so that it takes different values. In all cases, connect your ESP32 to an access point and, from a laptop connected to the same AP, execute a series of ping commands towards the station. Analyze the relation between the mode, DTIM, listen times and the ping response time, showing graphical represntations when possible. Deliver a small report in english (in pdf format).