Lab 5. Bluetooth Mesh (BLE MESH)


Example for the ON-OFF MODEL

The codes that we will study in this lab assignment are in examples/bluetooth/esp_ble_mesh/ble_mesh_node in the system case OnOff (first part of the assignment) and ble_mesh_sensor_model for the sensor model (second part).

In addition, download and install on your smartphone the application nRF Mesh (available both for Android and IOS). You will use this application to provision the devices and interact with the mesh.

The ON-OFF server

This server implements only one element with two models:

The code in ble_mesh_demo_main.c contains the following main application codes, that we can summarize as: * Initialize Bluetooth Controller stack and Host stack (bluedroid) * Initialize BLE Mesh stack * Register the callback function of BLE Mesh provision and BLE Mesh model * Implement and initialize BLE Mesh element * Implement and initialize BLE Mesh Configuration Server model and Generic OnOff Server model * Function as BLE Mesh Configuration Server Model Get Opcode and BLE Mesh Configuration Server Model Set Opcode * Declare and define the RGB LED structure.

For better understanding of the code, the following sections provide a detailed analysis the file ble_mesh_demo_main.c.

1. Initializing and Enabling BLE Mesh

When ESP32 system initialization is completed, app_main is called. The code block below demonstrates the implementation of the functions in app_main.

void app_main(void)
    int err;

    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initializing...");


    err = bluetooth_init();

    if (err) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp32_bluetooth_init failed (err %d)", err);

    /* Initializes the Bluetooth Mesh Subsystem */
    err = ble_mesh_init();
    if (err) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Bluetooth mesh init failed (err %d)", err);

In particular, the code includes: - err = bluetooth_init(): initialization related to the Bluetooth protocol stack (including Controller and Host) - err = ble_mesh_init(): initialization related to BLE Mesh

Further, the code for initialization of the BLE Mesh protocol stack is introduced, together with the description of the required actions to initialize BLE Mesh.

static esp_err_t ble_mesh_init(void)
    int err = 0;

    memcpy(dev_uuid + 2, esp_bt_dev_get_address(), BLE_MESH_ADDR_LEN);

    // See comment 1

    err = esp_ble_mesh_init(&provision, &composition);
    if (err) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Initializing mesh failed (err %d)", err);
        return err;

    esp_ble_mesh_node_prov_enable(ESP_BLE_MESH_PROV_ADV | ESP_BLE_MESH_PROV_GATT);

    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "BLE Mesh Node initialized");

    board_led_operation(LED_G, LED_ON);

    return err;

Observet that the code includes the following funtionality:

At this point, initialization and enabling of BLE Mesh as a node port is completed, which means a Provisioner can identify devices for network provisioning and data transmission.

2 Implementation of BLE Mesh Element Structure

In this section we shows: - Things that have to be done before the initialization of the previous section - How to add an element and a model to ESP BLE Mesh stack - How to choose a different encryption approach - How to declare the features of Proxy, Relay, Low Power and Friend

First of all, before calling the API esp_ble_mesh_init to initialize BLE Mesh, an element and a model need to be declared and defined. The code block below shows the declaration of an element structure.

/*!< Abstraction that describes a BLE Mesh Element.
    This structure is associated with bt_mesh_elem in mesh_access.h */
typedef struct {
    /* Element Address, it is assigned during provisioning. */
    uint16_t element_addr;

    /* Location Descriptor (GATT Bluetooth Namespace Descriptors) */
    const uint16_t location;

    /* Model count */
    const uint8_t sig_model_count;
    const uint8_t vnd_model_count;

    /* Models */
    esp_ble_mesh_model_t *sig_models;
    esp_ble_mesh_model_t *vnd_models;
} esp_ble_mesh_elem_t;

The next code block shows the definition of an element structure, build from the ESP_BLE_MESH_ELEMENT macro.

static esp_ble_mesh_elem_t elements[] = {

Another code block provides the codes needed to implement the macro ESP_BLE_MESH_ELEMENT.

#define ESP_BLE_MESH_ELEMENT(_loc, _mods, _vnd_mods)    \
{                                                       \
    .location         = (_loc),                         \
    .sig_model_count  = ARRAY_SIZE(_mods),              \
    .sig_models       = (_mods),                        \
    .vnd_model_count  = ARRAY_SIZE(_vnd_mods),          \
    .vnd_models       = (_vnd_mods),                    \

The variables of the element structure are as follows:

3 Implementation of BLE Mesh Model Structure

The preceding section has introduced the specific ways to implement and define an element by passing specific model pointers to it. This section explains how to implement and define a Model structure, which is shown in the code blocks below.

/** Abstraction that describes a Mesh Model instance.
 *  This structure is associated with bt_mesh_model in mesh_access.h
struct esp_ble_mesh_model {
    /* Model ID */
    union {
        const uint16_t model_id;
        struct {
            uint16_t company_id;
            uint16_t model_id;
        } vnd;

    /* The Element to which this Model belongs */
    esp_ble_mesh_elem_t *element;

    /* Model Publication */
    esp_ble_mesh_model_pub_t *const pub;

    /* AppKey List */

    /* Subscription List (group or virtual addresses) */

    /* Model operation context */
    esp_ble_mesh_model_op_t *op;

    /* Model-specific user data */
    void *user_data;

The block above shows a specific implementation of the model structure. Although this structure has many variables, only the following four ones are used for applications:

The other structures and variables (keys, group, element) get their values through the BLE Mesh stack during the initialization or configuration stages. You are not required to initialize them.

The next code block presents the definition of the model structure, and the root_models[] array. This array is used for indicating the number of the existing model structures. A model is implemented by using a macro.

static esp_ble_mesh_model_t root_models[] = {
    &onoff_pub, &led_state[0]),

Different models require different macros. The existing types of models and their respective macros needed for implementation are given in the table below (as we are implementing a Generic OnOff Server model, we use the ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_ID_GEN_ONOFF_SRV macro).

Model Name Macro Required for its Definition
Configuration Server Model ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_CFG_SRV
Configuration Client Model ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_CFG_CLI
Generic Default Transition Time Client Model ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_GEN_DEF_TRANS_TIME_CLI

Another important structure in a model is the esp_ble_mesh_model_op_t *op pointer. This structure points to the operation structure that defines the Model state. Generally, there are two types of models in BLE Mesh:

The following code block shows the declaration of the Model operation structure.

/*!< Model operation context.
    This structure is associated with bt_mesh_model_op in mesh_access.h */
typedef struct {
    const uint32_t    opcode;   /* Opcode encoded with the ESP_BLE_MESH_MODEL_OP_* macro */
    const size_t      min_len;  /* Minimum required message length */
    esp_ble_mesh_cb_t param_cb; /* The callback is only used for the BLE Mesh stack, not for the app layer. */
} esp_ble_mesh_model_op_t;

There are three variables in the declaration of the operation structure:

The definition for our OnOff Server code is:

static esp_ble_mesh_model_op_t onoff_op[] = {
    /* Each model operation struct array must use this terminator
     * as the end tag of the operation uint. */

The OnOff Client

The design of the client is much easier. In a generic way, it just defines an ON/OFF Client model and waits to be provisioned. Once the provisioning process is completed, every time one of the buttons on the board (RESET) is pressed, it sends a request for a change in the status of the lights to all the nodes in its mesh network. This behaviour is coded in the following functions defined in the board.c file:

static void button_tap_cb(void* arg)
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "tap cb (%s)", (char *)arg);


static void board_button_init(void)
    button_handle_t btn_handle = iot_button_create(BUTTON_IO_NUM, BUTTON_ACTIVE_LEVEL);
    if (btn_handle) {
        iot_button_set_evt_cb(btn_handle, BUTTON_CB_RELEASE, button_tap_cb, "RELEASE");

void board_init(void)

The invoked function, example_ble_mesh_send_gen_onoff_set, sends a SET operation to all network members:

void example_ble_mesh_send_gen_onoff_set(void)
    esp_ble_mesh_generic_client_set_state_t set = {0};
    esp_ble_mesh_client_common_param_t common = {0};
    esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;

    common.model = onoff_client.model;
    common.ctx.net_idx = store.net_idx;
    common.ctx.app_idx = store.app_idx;
    common.ctx.addr = 0xFFFF;   /* to all nodes */
    common.ctx.send_ttl = 3;
    common.ctx.send_rel = false;
    common.msg_timeout = 0;     /* 0 indicates that timeout value from menuconfig will be used */
    common.msg_role = ROLE_NODE;

    set.onoff_set.op_en = false;
    set.onoff_set.onoff = store.onoff;
    set.onoff_set.tid = store.tid++;

    err = esp_ble_mesh_generic_client_set_state(&common, &set);
    if (err) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Send Generic OnOff Set Unack failed");

    store.onoff = !store.onoff;
    mesh_example_info_store(); /* Store proper mesh example info */

Observe that the destination address is for all nodes in the network (common.ctx.addr = 0xFFFF;).

Provisioning and control from a mobile application

You will use the two ESP nodes you have, one programmed as an OnOff Server and the other programmed as an OnOff Client. If you have three LEDs available, you can place the server node on a breadboard and connect the anodes of the LEDs to the pins where the server node expects the lights to be connected (you can find those in the board.h file, mainly the pins 25, 26 and 27). It is convenient that you also place in series a current limmitng resistor, a 220 ohm resistor should be fine.

You can run the two nodes and monitor its output (use the command). Once both are up and running you will use the nRF Mesh app on your smartphone to complete the provisioning of both nodes, creating a ble mesh for thme. To complete the provisioning you have to proceed as follows:

Next, you will generate a group of nodes. This will allow you to subscribe the models to it, and publish messages that will be broadcasted to all models in the group.

And then associate an application key (BIND KEY) and subscribe (SUBSCRIBE) to the desired group:

Now, if all went well, if you go to the group description tab, you will see an icon with a picture for the lights, and another icon for the client (a swithc).

At this point, if you are monitoring the output of all ESP32s, you will see that the state of the LED changes at the request of the application (pressing the light icon). In addition, you will see that it also changes if you press the corresponding button of the switch (RESET) on the board. If you did connect the LEDs to the server board as mentioned above, you will see how they change their on/off state when you press the light icon in the smartphone or the button in the client board.

Task 5.1

The client sends, after pressing the button, the message of type SET to all the nodes of the network. Modify it so that it is only sent to the nodes that belong to its group. Try to subscribe/unsubscribe a model from the group, and you will see how it no longer receives the status change request messages. Deliver the modified code.

Example for the SENSOR MODEL

In this part of the assignment, we implement a sensor model client that is also a provisioner, and a configurable sensor model server. We will work with the code in examples/bluetooth/esp_ble_mesh/ble_mesh_sensor_model.

The Sensor Server model is a model that allows exposing series of sensorization data.

The Sensor Client model is used to consume sensorization values (Sensor states) exposed by the server.

These models are made up of the following parts:

In the client example, the device is both a provisioner and a client. Once the server device is provisioned and configured, users can press the button on the board to send requests to the server that, successively, will return the next status of the sensor in order (Descriptor, Setting, Cadence, ...).

In the server example, the non-provisioned device implements a Sensor Server model. The server supports two state instances: the first (Property ID 0x0056) would represent Indoor temperature; the second (Property ID 0x005B) would represent the Outdoor temperature. All data, in these examples, is pre-initialized.

Running the example

First, start the client/provider node and monitor its output. Then stat the server node, you will see that it is provisioned by your client, granting it a unicast address. Write it down.

The general operation of the system is:

  1. Device A runs the client example, and device B runs the server example.
  2. A acts as a provider. After receiving a request from B, he provisions it and stores his address. You will see the MAC BLE (UUID) of B in the provisioning process from A.
  3. In A, each press of the button will make a request to node B.
  4. Successively, these requests will be, in order and for each press:
    • Sensor Descriptor.
    • Sensor Cadence.
    • Sensor Settings.
    • Sensor Data.
    • Sensor Series.


Study the client and server code, and see to which node is the client sending the requests, what operations are requested on each button press, and what data the returns the server in each case.

Task 5.2

Modify the client and/or server code so that insted of requesting iteratively all the values from the last provided node, it request only the sensor data (Sensor Data State) of all the provisioned nodes. So if there are three provisioned nodes, each press would return the sensorization value of one of them, in the provisioning order. You will find the esp_ble_mesh_provisioner_get_node_table_entry function usefull to get a list/table of all connected nodes.

As an additional functionality, modify the code so that only those authorized nodes will be automatically provisioned (those that belong to your room, for example).

A final optional modification would be to periodically change randombly the sensed data on the server, with a predetermined cadence (remote modification of the cadence remains an advanced exercise).

Deliver the resulting code.