Laboratory 1. Python socket programming



The history of sockets begins with the origin of ARPANET, in 1971, and their standardization by means of an API within the BSD operating system, released in 1983, under the name Berkeley Sockets.

With the popularization of Internet in the 90s, and together with the World Wide Web, network programming suffered a relevant evolution. Web servers and browsers were not (and are not) the only applications based on sockets. Actually, client/server systems are, as of today, ubiquitous, and include all high-level protocols that give support to IoT. Today, even though high-level protocls have evolved till unprecedented sophistication levels, the underlying low-level interface remains unchanged.

The most common application type based on sockets is built on top of the client/server paradigm, where one of the parts acts as a server, passively waiting for external connection/requests from a set of one or more clients. In the following, we will study how to develop this type of paradigm from Python, using Berkeley sockets. There also exist the so-called Unix domain sockets, that allow a direct communication across processes at the same host; they are, however, of of the scope of IoT and we will not study them.

The Python sockets API

The Python socket module provides a complete interface to work with the Berkeley sockets API. In this laboratory, we will exclusively work with this API to develop client/server applications using the TCP and UDP protocols.

The main functions and methods of the sockets API are:

Python provides a consistent and complete API mapped directly to the aforementioned system calls, typically written in C. As a part of its standard library, Python also provides classes to ease working with low-level functions. We will not cover it in detail, but the socketserver module provides an easy way to create network servers. There also exist many modules available to implement high-level protocols (e.g. HTTP or SMTP), see this link.

TCP sockets

In Python, TCP sockets are created using socket.socket(), specifying the socket type as socket.SOCK_STREAM. The Transmision Control Protocol (TCP) features two main characteristics:

Contrary, UDP sockets are created by means of socket.SOCK_DGRAM, and they are neither reliable nor guarantee in-order data delivery. Hence, it is a responsibility of the application developer to implement those mechanisms manually if desired.

The following picture shows the typical API invocation sequence for TCP:


In the figure, the left column illustrates the serve, and the right column shows the client of the TCP connection. Observe the necessary invocations to configure a socket listening for incoming connections:

At the server, a socket listens for potential incoming connections from clients. When a client rquests a connection, the server accepts the request, completing the connection.

The client invokes connect() to establish a connection with a server, and initiates the three-way handshaking protocol to establish the connection.

Upon establishment, data are exchanged among client and server via send() and recv().

Finally, the socket is destroyed (the connection is closed) via a close() invocation at each end.

TCP client/server echo example

Let us study a simple example to create a client-server pair. In this case, the server just responds to the client with the same string as that received from the client.

echo server

#!/usr/bin/env python3


import socket

HOST = ''  # Loopback interface (localhost)
PORT = 65432        # Listen port (ports higher than 1023 are non-privileged)

with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
    s.bind((HOST, PORT))
    conn, addr = s.accept()
    with conn:
        print('Connected ', addr)
        while True:
            data = conn.recv(1024)
            if not data:


By now, do not worry if you do not understand all lines in the code. This is just an starting point to develop a simple server. However, it is a good idea to copy the code in a text file (e.g. so we can test it afterwards.

Let as study line by line the main parts of the code:

socket.socket() creates a socket object. Note that, as it is created via a with construction, it is not necessary to explicitly invoke to s.close(), even though you need to realize that the object is destroyed after the construction:

with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:

The arguments provided to socket() specify the address family (AF_INET) and socket type (SOCK_STREAM). AF_INET is the address family of the Internet for IPv4. SOCK_STREAM is the type of socket that allows for the creation of TCP connections.

bind() is used to associate the socket to a network interface and port number:

HOST = ''  # Loopback interface (localhost)
PORT = 65432        # Listen port

# ...

s.bind((HOST, PORT))

The values proviede to bind() depend on the address family selected for the socket. In the example, as AF_INET is used, the routine expects a tuple with just two values (host, port).

To determine the host, it is possible to use a host name, an IP address or an empty string. If we use an IP address, it needs to be specified by means of a string containing a well-formed address. The address is the standard IPv4 address for the loopback interface, so that only local processes (running at the same host) will be able to communicate with the server. If we provide an empty string, the server will accept incoming connections by via all IPv4 interfaces in the system.

The port number (port) is specified with an integer value between 1 and 65535, and specifies the port (in this case, TCP) that the server will use to accept incoming client connection. Many systems require superuser privilege to listen via privileged ports (with values between 1 and 1023).

Following with the example, listen() allows for a server to accept, in the future, incoming connections via accept(). In other words, it transforms the socket into a listening socket:

conn, addr = s.accept()

Invoking accept() blocks the process and waits for an incoming connection. Upon a client connection, it returns a socket object that represents the connection, and a tupple (addr) that contains the address of the client. This tuple contains the values (host, port) that store the IPv4 adress and client port that requests for the connection.

Note that, in the example, conn is the socket object that we will use to communicate with the client:

conn, addr = s.accept()
with conn:
    print('Connected ', addr)
    while True:
        data = conn.recv(1024)
        if not data:

After obtaining the object returned by accept(), we design the server as an infinite loop that repeatedly invokes to blocking conn.recv(). This way, we read data sent by the client and we resend them without modification using conn.sendall().

If conn.recv() returns an empty object of type bytes (b''), it means that the client closed the conection, in which case the loop finishes, destroying the socket after the with construction.

echo client

Let us observe the general structure of the client (you can use, for example as a name for the file):

#!/usr/bin/env python3


import socket

HOST = ''  # Server IP
PORT = 65432        # Listen server port 

with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
    s.connect((HOST, PORT))
    s.sendall(b'Hello, world')
    data = s.recv(1024)

print('Received ', repr(data))

Compared with the server, the client structure is simpler; it just creates a new socket object, connects with the server and invokes s.sendall() to send the message. Finally, it waits for the response using s.recv() and prints it on screen.

Echo client and server execution

Next, we will execute the client and server programs to observe the status of the connection troughout their life cycle.

Execute in a terminal the server:

$ python3 ./

You will see that the terminal blocks (actually, the server process remains in a blocked state) in the invocation:

conn, addr = s.accept()

Actually, the server is waiting for incoming connections from a client. Open a sencond terminal and execute the client:

$ python3
Received 'Hello, world'

On the server screen, you should see something similar to:

$ python3 ./
Connected (', 61234')

In this output, the server reports the tuple returned by s.accept(), that includes the IP address and the TCP port. That port number (in the example, 61234) is seleted randomly by the operating system and can vary in your execution.

Tools to analyze the socket status

We can use the netstat tool to observe the current status of the sockets in any OS (macOS, Linux and even Windows). For example, this would be the output of netstat in Linux after executing the server:

netstat -an | grep 65432
Active connections
Proto  Recv  Sent   Local address           Remote address         Status
tcp        0      0*              LISTEN

Note that we have filtered the output of the netcat command to match the used port. Also observe the value of all columns, and try to understand if it makes sense to you.


Another way to observe the status of the connections is via the command lsof -i -n. Execute it and observe its output.

Capturing network traffic via Wireshark

Wireshark is an open-source tool widely used to analyze network communication protocols at any layer of the TCP/IP stack (and also other protocols). Wireshark implements a wide range of filters to define search criteria in the traffic captures. However, in our case, it will not be necessary to use advanced filters.

To execute the took in the virtual machine (or in any basic Linux setup), just type in your terminal:

$ sudo wireshark

Upon booting, we can start a new traffic capture via the menu Capture, option Start. The interface selection screen allows for the definition of the interface we need to intercept. In our case, as we are communicating two processes on the same machine, we will choose the
Loopback (lo) interface and we will start the capture.

Task 1.1

Start wireshark and prepare a capture on the loopback interface. Execute the TCP echo server and the corresponding client, and analyze the generated traffic. Specifically, observe the connection establishment procedure, use of ACK packages and, in general any other aspect that is of your interest. Write a short report with screenshots of your observations.

UDP sockets

The creation and management of UDP sockets in Python is even simpler. Observe the following code, that creates a UDP server using the Python sockets API:

import socket

udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
udp_socket.bind(("localhost", 5005))

data = udp_socket.recv(512)

First, we import the socket module, as for TCP. Obviously, in this case the socket type is of type socket.DOCK_DGRAM, to indicate that we need to use UDP in the communication.

The program waits for the reception of a packet using the blocking recv method, with only one parameter: the maximum number of bytes we would like to receive.

When a packet arrives to the socket, the recv method will return a byte array, that will be stored in the desired variable.

The submission of data is also simple:

import socket

udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
udp_socket.bind(("localhost", 0))

data = b"Hello, world!"
udp_socket.sendto(data,("localhost", 5005))

Note how, in this case, we associate (bind) the socket to a port specifyed as 0. This special value indicates to the OS that it needs to choos for the transmission a random source port between those available in the system.

Next, we create the data to sumbit, and send them using the method sendto(). This method takes two arguments: data to send, and destination address. Data sent through the socket must be part of a bytes array de un array de bytes (hence, the string to submit needs to be preceeded by the character b).

Task 1.2

Check that the codes for sending and receiving via UDP work as expected. Write a short report with your observations


From version 3 on, strings in Python are coded using UNICODE. Contrary from ASCII, where each character has a direct byte representation,
UNICODE uses integers to represent each character, that need to be encoded to obtain a byte representation. One of these schemas is UTF-8. For example,, the following code shows how to encode a UNICODE string onto a bytes representation:

c= "Hello" data = c.encode("UTF-8") print(data, type(data))

That generates:

b"Hello" <class 'bytes'>

that can be sent directly through the network.

Up to this point, the UDP programs have been completely unidirectional in the submission/reception of data, but obviously, a UDP socket is a bi-directional communication channel.

Task 1.3

Implement a similar functionality than that of the echo that we studied for TCP, but using UDP. Provide a traffic capture via Wireshark and observe the differences between the data transmission in TCP and UDP. Provide a discussion about the benefits (or lack of them) of UDP compared with TCP for IoT.

Sending binary data via sockets

Up to this point, we have studied how to send text strings via TCP or UDP sockets, but it is common to find a necessity to send data directly in binary format (e.g. numeric values in floating point or integers). Using the struct Python module, we can specify which type or types of data are stored in a sequence of bytes, and how to decode them. It is also possible to specify in which place of the sequence are those data stored, allowing for packing multiple data of different types in a simple manner, and its decoding at the other side of the communication channel.


Check all details of the struct module on its official documentation page.

The struct module provides two interesting methods: pack and unpack.

The following sentence:

struct.pack(">iii", 1, 2, 3)

uses the pack method to perform data packing. Specifically, observe how the method receives two parameters:

Note that the format, in addition, includes the number and type of data to pack (in this case three integer values). For other data types, check the module's documentation.

Unpacking data on the other side of the cahnnel is intuitive:

a, b, c = struct.unpack( ">iii" )

Next, we show an example of a client/server TCP setup that leverages the struct to send two integer numbers and a floating point number between a client and a server:

# Client

import binascii                                                                             
import socket                                                                               
import struct                                                                               
import sys                                                                                  

# Socket TCP                                                                                
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)                                    
server_address = ('localhost', 10001)                                                       

packed_data = struct.pack("=iif", 1, 4, 2.7)                                                

    # Sending data
    print('Sending "%s"' % binascii.hexlify(packed_data))                                  

    print('Closing socket')                                                                

# Server

import binascii                                                                             
import socket                                                                               
import struct                                                                               
import sys                                                                                  

# Socket TCP                                                                                
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)                                    
server_address = ('localhost', 10001)                                                       

while True:                                                                                 
    print('Waiting for incoming connections')                                                 
    connection, client_address = sock.accept()                                              
        data = connection.recv(1024)                                                        
        print('Received "%s"' % binascii.hexlify(data))                                     

        unpacked_data = struct.unpack("=iif", data)                                         
        print('Unpacked:', unpacked_data)                                             


Task 1.4

Execute the client/server system and analyze the generated traffic. Look for the binary packed data. Experiment with other types of data and endianness and observe the differences.

Deliverable task

Deliverable task 1

Design a client/server system and implement it using Python. The system will simulate a client sending a number of pieces of data sensed to a server. The protocol to use (format of each packet sent to the server at the application layer) needs to be designed and proposed by the student and described prior to starting the coding effort. The final mark will consider positively the use of multiple data types, both in ths sent data and responses from the server. The student will develop a TCP and a UDP version of the solution. The client will submit data in a periodic fashion, and data will be generated randomly.

The deliverable will include the developed codes, and an analysis of the generated traffic, with comments about the overhead (in bytes) introduced by each protocol of the transport layer.

Multi-threaded client/server example

The previous examples are perfectly valid and functional, but lack in their design of a basic functionality: the server stops attending new incoming requests while a request from a client is processed. The following examples show simple implementations with multi-threaded support for a client/server system written in Python.

# Concurrent TCP server

import socket, threading

class ClientThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self,clientAddress,clientsocket):
        self.csocket = clientsocket
        print ("New connection added: ", clientAddress)
    def run(self):
        print ("Connection from: ", clientAddress)
        #self.csocket.send(bytes("Hi, This is from Server..",'utf-8'))
        msg = ''
        while True:
            data = self.csocket.recv(2048)
            msg = data.decode()

            if msg=='bye':

            print ("From the client", msg)

        print ("Client ", clientAddress , " disconnected...")

PORT = 8080

server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
server.bind((LOCALHOST, PORT))

print("Server started...")
print("Waiting for client requests...")


while True:
    clientsock, clientAddress = server.accept()
    newthread = ClientThread(clientAddress, clientsock)
# TCP client. The string *end* indicates disonnection request.

import socket

PORT = 8080

client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
client.connect((SERVER, PORT))
client.sendall(bytes("Hello, I am a client!!",'UTF-8'))

while True:
  in_data =  client.recv(1024)

  print("From the server:" ,in_data.decode())
  out_data = input()

  if out_data=='end':


Task 1.5

Study the codes for the concurrent server and observe how it manages the creaton of threads to handle an incoming request. Connect simultaneously multiple clients and observe the status of the sockets using the corresponding tools. Write a short report with your observations.

Optional deliverable

Optional deliverable task 1

Modify your first deliverable to consider a multi-threaded implmentation of the TCP server, following the guidelines of the example codes.

Optional deliverable

Optional deliverable task 1

Modify the sending protocol so that your UDP applications guarantees as much as possible the reception of UDP packages sent from the client, and an in-order reception. Analyze again the necessary network traffic in this case compared with a TCP scheme.